
U-turn on net metering

Delivering a powerful speech at a closing Plenary- Rejuvenating Growth of the World Economic Forum on 29th April 2024, Prime Minister Muhammad Shahbaz Sharif said that country is under a debt trap and its Power Sector is in shambles.

The infringement of vested rights of rooftop solar generators

The infringement of vested rights of rooftop solar generators

In its move to amend the Net Metering Regulations 2015, on 24th August Nepra (National Electric Power Regulatory Authority) issued a notice in the form of a draft SRO to change the word National Average Power Purchase Price (NAPP)

Stopping the financial hemorrhage in public sector enterprises.

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are among the most serious and chronic of Pakistan's wobbling economy. They were responsible for herel orrhaging around $3 biMon in the fiscal Way 2010, according On the finance minis-tern last budget speech.

A Proposal to K.E Limited – Business Recorder

With reference to the hearing on K-Electric conducted by Nepra in Karachi and your editorial of 30th September which in the midst of load-shedding asked for cool thinking on two broad reasons, I have the following suggestions:-

Hunt for PSE heads

The weak performance of large public sector enterprises (PSEs) in key Pakistani industries is a drag on both public finances and growth, and has deteriorated the country’s fiscal balances, according to Jeffrey Franks, who recently headed a delegation of the IMF to Pakistan.

Why not Dr Ishrat Husain?

As the nation enters election season, the search of a consensus candidate for the post of caretaker Prime Minister has become intensified. Amongst various names being tabled, one is that of Dr Ishrat Husain, the former Governor of State Bank, a seasoned and respected technocrat, who after having....

Outright privatisation or gradual reforms?

In the last five years, the federal government borrowed Rs2.7 trillion from the IMF, and spent Rs2.3 trillion on financing losses of public sector enterprises through equity injection, subsidies, grants, debts and guarantees on loans.

Stopping the financial hemorrhage in public sector enterprises.

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are among the most serious and chronic of Pakistan's wobbling economy. They were responsible for herel orrhaging around $3 biMon in the fiscal Way 2010, according On the finance minis-tern last budget speech.

Restructuring the Private Sector

WRITING in Dawn on January 3, 2012, Dr Shahid Kardar, former governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, painted a gloomy, yet realistic picture of the country`s macroeconomic imbalances.

Water treaty and peace

Approximately 80 per cent of Pakistan’s agricultural land depends on the Indus river system while the remaining is rain-fed.
On September 19, the Indus Water Treaty signed in 1960 at Karachi...

Railways — the route ahead

N the past two years, Pakistan Railways has shut down as many as 120 trains. For an entity losing Rs3 million every hour, this is perhaps not such a bad strategy although the swarms of commuters who travel by train will decry otherwise.

White Elephants

State-owned enterprises (SOEs) are among the more serious and chronic ailments of Pakistan’s wobbling economy. They are responsible for haemorrhaging around $3 billion in the fiscal year 2010, according...

Getting Our Act Together ( PDF Version)

The furious floods Pakistan is facing have caused more damage than the 2004 tsunami and Pakistan’s earthquake in 2005, according to the UN.So far, around 2,000 lives have been lost and 20 million people are homeless.

World Financial Earthquake and the Nationalization of AIG

Lehman Brothers bankruptcy on 15th September 2008 caused “The Mother of all Mondays” as called by the Wall Street Journal; the US financial earthquake triggered the world and so much so that Moscow Stock Exchange..

Business Men OCCI President

to persuade investors to invest because there are several obstacles that discourage the investors. A common man or an investor tends to argue that why should he contin-ue to pay high taxes

Crisis management at the KSE Friday Times

as the bull-run reached its peak last week, a crisis began to brew in the carryover (badla) transactions mar-ket with average rates of financing hitting 48 percent in Karachi and 77 percent in Lahore.

Jang Midweek Magazine

Jang Midweek Magazine

Karigar News MMF Message

Two convocations of Karigar Training Institute that I had the pleasure of ttending; I was deeply touched by the expressions of students who had completed their training.

KSE President Prepare new strategy for Marketing

Shaukat Aziz, Adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance & Economic Affairs for his support and guidance. I would also like to thank Mr. Khalid Mirza Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan

Message KSE President Dawn

I am exceptionally pleased and deeply honoured to be marking the occasion of an all-time high at the Karachi Stock Exchange in this special supplement in Dawn.

The News Investor's Business & Financial Journal

Moin Fudda started the inter-view by giving a brief back-ground of the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE). A non-profit affiliate of the US Chamber of Commerce.

NZ ODA provides Rs. 2.6m scholarships to AKUSON Students

The New Zealand Overseas Development Assistance (NZODA) has provided the Aga Khan University School of Nursing [AKUSON) sponsorships worth Rs 2.6 million for 11 nursing students from the preparatory

Pakistan & Gulf Economist CU chief

Commercial Union Assurance (C.U. for short) is one of the largest multinationals operating in Pakistan, and Its General Manager Moin M. Fudda, who had an almost meteoric rise to the top slot,

Pictorial News Review - Personality of the Month CIPE

In the buiiiiie and corporate world of today a name that one comes across very often is that of Mr. Moin M. Fudda who is now the Director of the Center